Reclaiming the Tattoo
Tattooing has not always had a positive meaning. The use of tattoos to mark people out as slaves or criminals, in both Eastern and Western
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Tattooing has not always had a positive meaning. The use of tattoos to mark people out as slaves or criminals, in both Eastern and Western
Our Thought Creates Our Reality The Law of Worldview is related to the Law of Paradox. It states that the universe we perceive, the Tao,
Words Are Creative Powers The Law of the Words of Power states that words are creative forces. It was, after all, the vibrational power of
Vibration Impacts Within Our Consciousness The Law of Vibration is fundamental to the existence of forms. From the purest spirit to the grossest matter, the
Nothing in Life is Entirely Certain Life is full of uncertainty. Everything is dual and has a polar opposite. Life does not promise or ensure
The Process of Creation The Trinity is an expression of the Law of Creation and describes the triune aspects in any life- unit. It is
Changing Water into Wine The Law of Transmutation has been hidden in metaphor for centuries. The ancient alchemists, for example, used the concept of the
To Give Freely Is to Receive Freely The Law of Tithing is closely related to the Law of Circulation. The word “tithing” is often used
One + Two = The Ten Thousand Things The Law of Synthesis is fundamental to the creation process. When two opposing principles are combined, a
There are No Coincidences in the Universe The essence of the Law of Synchronicity states that there are no coincidences in the universe. The term