Our Thought Creates Our Reality
The Law of Worldview is related to the Law of Paradox. It states that the universe we perceive, the Tao, or the world of forms, is essentially unknowable. What we perceive in the universe we perceive from our own personal perspective. It’s impossible to be an impartial observer, for we’re part of the universe and our act of observing impacts it.
To truly know a thing requires that we transcend to a plane of consciousness beyond the reality we operate in. In that alternate reality, we find that form is Maya, illusion, and that spirit is the reality behind form. However, in the meantime, we bring our consciousness, such as it is, to the world of form and shape it according to the creative power of thought. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7) This teaching reveals the powerful Law of Worldview.
We consciously or unconsciously define our own reality through the creative influence of our thoughts. It has always been thus. Ancient alchemists knew that their craft required not only physical work, but spiritual and mental work as well. Mental alchemy was the study of transforming one’s environment through transforming one’s thoughts. Each of us are—and all human beings always have been—the center of our own universe. No matter where we stand on this blue planet, we are at the center of all we perceive, and not one of us perceives the universe in the same way. We bring our own insight and meanings to the world of form and in our worlds, we continually find what we think we will find. That said, remember too that collective consciousness shapes our reality powerfully, but each individual may choose to adopt or dismiss the worldview of its group. What reality do you choose?

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