The Law of One
There Is Only One Thing Chinese philosopher Lao Tze called the “One Thing” the Tao. The Hindus called it Brahman. Almost all religions in their
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There Is Only One Thing Chinese philosopher Lao Tze called the “One Thing” the Tao. The Hindus called it Brahman. Almost all religions in their
Freedom is Found through Obedience Obedience. It’s a word that doesn’t elicit a great deal of excitement…we tend to resent having to be obedient. Perhaps
No Event is Ever True to All Observers The Law of Paradox states that no single worldview or belief framework may encompass the whole world.
All Things are Caused by the Creative Power of Numbers Numbers are cosmic phenomena. They are the creative forces of the universe. The Hebrew Kabbalah
There is Only Ever One Moment All power and energy is only ever present in the now. This law states that the now is actually
That Which Fulfills the Laws of Nature, Is By Definition, Necessary What is necessary? This law states that whatever is required to fulfill the laws
Life and Motion Are the Same Thing The Law of Motion states that everything in the physical universe is in constant motion. From subatomic particles
All Is Mind The Law of Mentalism is one of the central teachings of ancient Hermetic philosophy. All is Mind. Mind is everything and the
Balance and Harmony Cause Growth and Power The Law of Harmony states that there can be no growth without harmony. To be able to survive
The Magnetic Aura Every object in the universe, whether physical or non-physical, vibrates. This vibration of electronic particles causes a magnetic field to surround each