Freedom is Found through Obedience
Obedience. It’s a word that doesn’t elicit a great deal of excitement…we tend to resent having to be obedient. Perhaps the word carries connotations of our childhood or school years. It seems to go against our innate desire to be free of authority and restriction. Yet, ironically, within obedience, we find freedom. The Law of Obedience states that the more we align with higher laws and principles, the farther we rise and the farther our soul progresses. It’s in sacrifice and submission that we find new life and power.
We see that it’s critical on the physical level that a molecule is obedient to the cell, that a cell is obedient to the organ, and that an organ is obedient to the body. In the emotional, intellectual, and spiritual realms too, the same principle applies. Our actions are obedient to our emotions, our emotions are obedient to our intellect, our intellect is obedient to the power of love emanating from our higher self, and our higher self is obedient to the creative powers. The Law of Obedience states that through such master-disciple alignment, the disciple experiences a “higher” truth when the disciple remains obedient and their master guides and empowers them.

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