There is Only Ever One Moment
All power and energy is only ever present in the now. This law states that the now is actually the only moment that ever existed. It is, in fact, only ever now. Yet most of our thinking during daily activity is based on recalling the past and imagining the future…neither of which exist! Both are constructs of the mind.
The egoic mind becomes powerful when it creates the illusory states of past and future. The conscious mind, however, only ever finds its enlightened state while it is present now.
In the infinite universe, there is only one moment. All things happen now. Time is merely an element in a physical construct, as are space and matter. Time is confined within the framework of the physical universe, and we can only perceive it within that framework. Time is not the loom on which the tapestry of the universe was woven. Just as all energy exists in the eternal now, so too our energy and our power to create only exist in the present moment.

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