The Magnetic Aura
Every object in the universe, whether physical or non-physical, vibrates. This vibration of electronic particles causes a magnetic field to surround each object. This magnetic field is called the energy body or “aura.” Every organic and non-organic object has an aura. However, the quality, frequency, and nature of the aura may differ in varying environmental conditions.
Every magnetic field has a dual quality called “polarity.” We each have positive and negative poles. Polarity also refers to “frequency.” These poles obey the Law of Attraction. Magnetic fields radiate outward, influencing everything that comes within their sphere. Objects in close proximity to other objects have a non-physical impact that may affect other objects in tangible ways. This is called “induction.” Certain radioactive elements, like uranium and plutonium for example, may cause cell mutation when brought into contact with organic matter.
Human beings have magnetic fields just like everything else. In accordance with the Law of Magnetism, unconsciously, we affect everything we touch or that comes close to us. An individual who has tapped into their higher consciousness can apply this law deliberately to affect their surroundings.

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