All Things are Caused by the Creative Power of Numbers
Numbers are cosmic phenomena. They are the creative forces of the universe. The Hebrew Kabbalah succinctly expresses that numbers emanated from nothing to create all things. Each emanation is considered not only to be a divine force with creative power, but also a metaphysical and philosophical center that influences everything.
The Law of Numerology states that all things are dependent upon and are controlled by the creative power of numbers. Everything that exists is in motion…vibrations, waves, cycles, and radiation frequencies (to name a few)…all are expressions of numbers. The frequency of a physical thing determines its manifestation. Change the frequency and the thing itself changes. We know this to be so, for example, in the realms of music and light. From matter to emotions and from thought to spirit…due to the creative control of the power of numbers, these are all essentially the same substance in different manifestations!

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