Your Personal Power Symbol Blog

The Law of Synchronicity

There are No Coincidences in the Universe

The essence of the Law of Synchronicity states that there are no coincidences in the universe. The term “synchronicity” was coined by Dr. Carl Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist who founded analytical psychology. Synchronicity is used to describe the meaningful coincidences that can’t seem to be described by the Law of Cause and Effect. It is also defined as the non-causal relationship between events. It’s sometimes simply called “meaningful coincidence.” Such coincidence is not coincidence at all but a spontaneous realization of the underlying interconnectedness of all the things within the universe. The Law of Synchronicity encompasses events connected by patterns or meanings rather than by time. Some people interpret the law as an ongoing dialogue between a perceiver and the consciousness of the universe. These communications, they say, are relayed in the form of symbols, or in seemingly unrelated symbolic events. In some belief systems, such symbols are considered to be codes which are transmitted by higher intelligences to the human mind.