Nothing in Life is Entirely Certain
Life is full of uncertainty. Everything is dual and has a polar opposite. Life does not promise or ensure anyone anything—in this way, life is random.
The Law of Probability is highly relevant in the mechanics of The Law of Uncertainty. The laws of life are permanent, however, how they affect us varies due to different factors. Since one may not be able to predict a certain result in any given situation, one has to consider the laws of averages and probabilities. If one performs a certain action a million times and produces the same effect, for example, one may say that that action and its associated outcome are constant or to some extent unchanging. However, the fact is that in any given situation we may only know what the probable outcome may be. One may be sure of the outcome, though, when one possesses greater knowledge about the laws involved in a certain process. In such a case, the level of knowledge one has is proportional to the reliability of the expected outcome.

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