Changing Water into Wine
The Law of Transmutation has been hidden in metaphor for centuries. The ancient alchemists, for example, used the concept of the Philosopher’s Stone—a magical essence that could change base metal into gold—to represent that human beings are capable of transmuting their bodies, minds, and their environment from the mundane into the magnificent. This law teaches that human beings are unique in creation, for our beings span from the divine spark to the physical realm. As our consciousness awakens to our higher nature, we are able to transmute aspects of our lower nature and become our true selves: for in truth, we are divine.
In the physical world, fire is the element that best demonstrates the power to transmute one substance to another. Anything that comes into contact with fire is transformed from what it is into something else—ash. In the ash lies the potential for something new to arise. The element of fire exists in the higher realms also and when it is harnessed in thought and feeling, it’s the key to the transmutation of our beings.
Transmutation is part of our cosmic purpose, for we are here to participate fully in the creative expression of the universe.

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