Your Personal Power Symbol Blog

The Laws of Words of Power

Words Are Creative Powers

The Law of the Words of Power states that words are creative forces. It was, after all, the vibrational power of the Word that initiated Creation (John 1:1: In the beginning was the Word) and the creative influence of the Word still operates in every realm today.

Speaking words of power can change the realities of those perceiving them and can also affect the environment into one speaks those words. The power of the spoken word lies in its vibrational value and energy pattern. Certain mantras and chants, for example, have been known throughout history to create a vibrational characteristic that brings forth desired effects. Mantras impressed upon the collective consciousness over centuries powerfully influenced any user who correctly enunciated those words of power. However, in our modern world, the ability to speak powerful words that can influence the cosmos is a rare gift shared by only a few masters among us.