Vibration Impacts Within Our Consciousness
The Law of Vibration is fundamental to the existence of forms. From the purest spirit to the grossest matter, the form that energy presents is dependent on the motion, speed, and frequency of vibration. Nothing is ever at rest. Energy is constantly changing its form and rate of vibration. Because a thing vibrates, it creates an impression within our consciousness. Sound and color, for example, do not actually exist outside of our consciousness. They’re vibrational energies, but the quality they present exists within our consciousness. Consider the color red, for example. The absolute truth is that “red” is an energy, vibrating at a certain frequency and speed which impact upon our consciousness as the color “red.” The reality is, we create red, we impose its meaning and significance within our awareness.
It is for this reason that the Hindus use the term “Maya” to describe the physical world we occupy—reality is illusory. It is real only to the extent that it exists within our consciousness.
The vibrational nature of forms is key to their transmutation…changing base metal into gold, for example, or water into wine…by changing a thing’s rate of vibration, one changes its form. This analogy symbolizes the transmuting of one’s body and consciousness through techniques that increase the vibrational frequency of the mind and body. The soul’s ascension and awakening consciousness is dependent upon a change in vibrational energy.

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