To Give Freely Is to Receive Freely
The Law of Tithing is closely related to the Law of Circulation. The word “tithing” is often used in the context of giving ten percent of one’s income to a charity institution or to persons in need. However, tithing is the free giving away of any resource, be it time, talent, money, or possessions. The Law of Tithing states that when we give freely, we receive in abundance. The energy of the universe is in constant flow. To limit your generosity, or to hoard your resources works to isolate you from the flow.
Hoarding or being avaricious emanates from a mentality of lack, which, as we have seen from edicts of the Law of Attraction, attracts increased lack. The Law of Tithing is a mentality rather than a formula, as are most cosmic laws. Giving freely emanates from a mentality of abundance. It’s what Jesus meant when he said, “Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.” (Matthew 13:12) With this mindset, one gives freely and does not make the mistake of craving the fruit of one’s actions. For the wise person understands that there is nothing to crave in a universe of abundance, fruits will be added unto them.

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