A Personal Power Symbol is built from the shapes and aspects which occur when the numerology and astrology of a person’s name, place, and date of birth are calculated.
Here’s an example.

If you look closely at this example of a Personal Power Symbol, the first thing you’ll notice is the outer shape is a 7-pointed star.
Why seven?
That’s because according to numerology, the Life Path Number of this person is Seven.
You see, someone’s Life Path Number is calculated by adding all the numbers of your date of birth together and reducing it to a single digit between 1 and 9 or the number 11 or 22.
How your Life Path Number is calculated is explained here.
Now if you keep looking inwards from the seven-pointed star you’ll see another circle just inside the ring of crystals.
And for this person, that circle is in three segments.
Why three?
That’s because this person has a Destiny Number of 3.
Can you see the three segments of the Destiny Number?
In numerology, a person’s Destiny Number is calculated from adding the numerical values of each of the letters of a person’s name.
Again, the result is reduced to a single digit between 1 and 9 or the number 11 or 22.
Here’s where you can see the Destiny Number calculation explained with an example.
But that’s not all. Keep looking closely. Do you see inside the Destiny Number circle? There’s another circle and this time it’s in the form of an 8 sided star.
That’s because this person has a Personality Number of 8.
In numerology, a person’s Personality Number is calculated from the number value of the consonants in their full name.
In this case, the Personal Power Symbol shows the wearer has a Personality Number of 8.
Here’s an example of how to calculate your Personality Number according to numerology.
And finally – the circle in the center: The one surrounding the diamond in the very middle.
Do you see how many points it has? Maybe you can? It’s pretty small.
Well, the answer is twenty-two.
That’s because this person has a Heart Desire Number of 22.
In numerology, a person’s Heart Desire Number is calculated from the vowels of a person’s full name.
Here’s an example of how to calculate your Heart Desire Number.
So the 4 circles shown on the Personal Power Symbol from outside to the inside center, or from largest to smallest, are symbols of:
– the Life Path Number
– the Destiny Number
– the Personality Number
– and the Heart Desire Number.
Now, of course, your Symbol is going to look a whole lot different. That’s because you’re going to have your own symbolic shapes when you calculate your numerology.
But what about the crystals on the symbol? What do they mean?
Good question.
Do you see the diamond in the very center? It represents the True Self of personality. It’s the engine. You can read more about how it’s size and position is symbolic of your True Self when you get your free pdf called “Meet Your Personal Power Symbol.”
And of course, there’s the ring of crystals. It lies between your Destiny and your Life Path Numbers.
It’s the influence of the Zodiac upon your life.
If you count them there are 36 crystals. Each represents one of the 36 Decans that make up the full 360º of the Zodiac circle. Each Sign has three 10º Decans within it.
Look close. You’ll see one of the stones is yellow. It’s a yellow sapphire and shows the location of the Sun was in Leo at the time of this person’s birth.
Another stone is blue. It’s a blue sapphire and shows the Moon was in the sign of Scorpio when this person was born.
And there’s a third gemstone. The black onyx. It’s showing that the rising sign in the eastern sky at the place and time of birth was Gemini.
So what will your Personal Power Symbol look like?
You can easily find out by going to YourPersonalPowerSymbol.com and get your symbol in just a few moments. You can even download a full 40 page PDF. It will explain your symbol and the meaning behind each of the elements.
Yes, all free, of course.
Just go here to YourPersonalPowerSymbol.com
Ah, so what’s the catch?
Well, of course, you might love your Personal Power Symbol so much that like many others, you’ll want us to make a unique and finely crafted jewelry piece for you, too.
If you’re someone who loves unique, personalized jewelry that’s deeply meaningful, it doesn’t get much better.
Here are some photos of how this example became a pendant in gold and a wrist band in silver.

Go to YourPersonalPowerSymbol.com check out the look of your Power Symbol and download your own free copy of “Meet Your Personal Power Symbol”

Your Personal Power Symbol is the numerology of your name & the astrology of your date of birth manifested as a unique symbol. It tells the story of your Soul’s journey. See how stunning your Power Symbol is at YourPersonalPowerSymbol.com