The Flower of Life is an extremely ancient symbol found at many sacred sites around the world including India, China, Turkey and Egypt.

Made from 19 overlapping circles it’s an expression of the singularity of Life. (1 + 9 = 10 = 1)
The Flower is not only a beautiful symbol, it’s also a treasure trove of ratios and proportion.
Particularly the proportions which appear when energy manifests as physical form in nature and in man.
The most important of these being the ratio of 1: 1.618 or Phi ( ɸ )
A very nice animation of the function of ɸ is nature is here.
The Flower of Life is a symbol of the knowledge that a single, intangible seed – Energy – becomes all things in our physical world – its Fruit.
To draw it, one must start with a single circle. A circle, of course, is the symbol of Unity – the One Thing.
According to ancient wisdom, creation begins when the One Thing divides Itself.
So, by dividing the single circle repeatedly, the pattern of the Flower of Life emerges.

The Emerald Tablet of Hermes
The Emerald Tablet is a text from the ancient world attributed the Master Sage, Hermes.
Inscribed on the Emerald Table are words conveying the same idea: all things are from a single source. It reads,
And as all things have been & arose from one by the mediation of one: so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation.
So the Flower of Life is a symbol of the adaption that the One Thing goes through to become all things we experience.

Why is it on the back of Your Personal Power Symbol?
On the back of Your Personal Power Symbol is the Flower of Life.
That’s because understanding everything on the front of Your Personal Power Symbol must begin with what’s on the back.

You see, what’s on the front – your unique identity, is an unbroken continuation of the Creative energy force, represented by the Flower of Life.
You are a unique centre for the One Life to express it’s power through.
It’s virtually impossible to overstate the important of this suggestion to your subconsciousness in creating the catalyst for powerful and positive change.
For our senses report to us we’re isolated individuals – coming into and out of this world, alone. The truth is, you are inseparable from an eternal cosmic power, before, during and after this transition.

See Your Own Personal Power Symbol
You can see Your Personal Power Symbol and discover it’s true meaning when you download your free 40 page PDF called, “Meet Your Personal Power Symbol“.
Just go to and have your Personal Symbol and its powerful free report in just a few moments.

Your Personal Power Symbol is the numerology of your name & the astrology of your date of birth manifested as a unique symbol. It tells the story of your Soul’s journey. See how stunning your Power Symbol is at