”The impulse to all movement and to all form is given by Phi (ɸ). It can only be defined though the harmony that it engenders.” – R.A.Schwaller De Lubiz from The Temple of Man
If you look closely at the face of Your Personal Power Symbol, you’ll notice the design is a series of four circles increasing is size as they move away from the centre.
This arrangement is not random. Each circle is bigger than the one before it by a factor of 1.618.
The ratio of 1 to 1.618 has been known since ancient times as the Golden Ratio or ɸ (Phi).
A very nice animation showing the ɸ ratio in nature is here.
Your Personal Power Symbol is built upon the ratio of Phi
The energy pattern of Phi occurs extensively in nature, and music.
Because it’s also a ratio within us, the harmony we hear and see has a natural affinity with us.
And so Phi is a ratio often deliberately applied in art and architecture.
Frozen Music
Just like music, architecture and ratio can have an effect on us. Interestingly, such architecture has been described as “frozen music.”
From pyramids to the Pentagon, this ratio has been deliberately used to create a desired effect.
What is the point?
Two things.
Firstly, to become a manifested object, Energy must move.
It does not move randomly. It moves in patterns that are vibratory, cyclic and expansive.
The ratio of Phi is like the Life Force’s signature as Energy transitions into form and substance.
Why Use The Phi Ratio in Your Symbol?
The Phi ratio is used in Your Personal Power Symbol because it’s the symbol of energy moving into the expression of your personality and the circumstances you create.
Secondly, and perhaps more important, is the understanding your desires must also transition from a seed energy into form and substance.
This transition involves an expansiveness of your consciousness along the same pattern. You cannot remain as you are and experience more.
Your Personal Power Symbol is a deeply subconscious and powerful suggestion for the transformation of your desires into physical manifestation.
Like to see more? Get your own Personal Power Symbol and discover it’s true meaning when you download your free 40 page PDF called, “Meet Your Personal Power Symbol“.
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Your Personal Power Symbol is the numerology of your name & the astrology of your date of birth manifested as a unique symbol. It tells the story of your Soul’s journey. See how stunning your Power Symbol is at YourPersonalPowerSymbol.com