Your Personal Power Symbol Blog

Mandala Magic

mandala magic

Using your personal mandala to bring harmony and clarity to your life

A Mandala is a symbol used in meditation and spiritual awareness practices.

Psychoanalyst Carl Jung said, “The Mandala is an archetypal image whose occurrence is attested throughout the ages. It signifies the wholeness of the Self. This circular image represents the wholeness of the psychic ground, or to put it in mythic terms, the divinity incarnate in man.”

Our system generates a unique mandala for you based on your Numerology and Astrological placements, and this Mandala can be used in ritual and meditation, just like Your Personal Power Symbol, to promote self-awareness, wholeness, and healing within the psyche.

But there is more!

Mandala Magic is also a workbook for developing your relationship to this powerful archetypal symbol, as you will be guided through coloring exercises which stimulate your subconscious mind and awaken dormant forces within you.

Drawing upon practices of Western Magickal tradition whose students ritually colored their own set of Tarot Cards, you will discover the incredible energetic powers of color, geometry, symmetry, and design on your psyche— and especially upon your subconscious mind, and you will cultivate a deeper, more powerful relationship with the ritual tool of your Mandala by creating it yourself! You will feel the benefits of this in your continued practice.

Understand the fundamental structure of your unique symbol of wholeness, and help infuse it with power by your attention, creativity, and meditative practice. These reports are custom-made to you when you register your data at

Order now and receive an instant download of your Mandala Magic workbook!