Your Personal Power Symbol Blog

The Law of Seven

The Number of Spirit in the Physical Realms

Seven is a significant number in the manifested realm. Seven days of creation, seven days of the week, seven notes in a major musical scale, seven colors of the rainbow, seven wonders of the world, and seven principal chakras in the energy systems of human beings (and other sentient creatures) are just a few examples of how this number is important in the structure of the created realms.

The Law of Seven is a development of the Law of Trinity, which itself results from the Law of Duality, which in turn unfolded from the Law of One (the Divine source). To clarify, the number three is the symbol of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), and the number four is the number of the physical world. Thus, seven is considered to be the product of the creative force (three) in the physical realms (four) and we can say that the Law of Seven is a manifestation of the Law of One in the lower planes.

The number seven is considered to be related closely to the sacred number twelve. There are twelve hours on a clock face, twelve months in a year, Christ had twelve apostles, there are twelve angels in the Book of Revelation—the list goes on. Twelve is considered the esoteric, or hidden mystery of seven. In the seven notes of the musical scale, for example, we observe the five “hidden notes,” creating a chromatic scale of twelve. Once again, twelve is a result of interaction between the cosmic forces of three (the spiritual) and four (the mundane).