He Who Would Save His Life Will Lose It
One of the most fundamental principles in the upward evolution of each soul is an understanding of The Law of Sacrifice and Death. The concept of dying and self-sacrifice is hardly endearing to the ego self and it is not unusual that this is a difficult law to understand or accept. A self-preserving and a self-serving attitude is the common result of a worldview in which a life form feels fundamentally insecure and isolated. In this view, it’s important to get all one can for oneself, regardless if it’s at the expense of others, for there is a belief in the scarcity of resources and that one’s security depends on one’s “pile of stuff.”
In this universe of abundance, it’s fitting that all beings should experience abundance. However, a false belief in lack occurs when an individual feels a deep sense of isolation from the universal source. Their ego is convinced that it is separate from all things and that it must “make it alone.” This is the illusion of forms. It’s a convincing illusion, but nevertheless, the greater truth is that like all forms, the ego self is only a transitory expression of energy. The form will cease to be but the “real” will endure. In our unconscious state, the false self continues to reinforce and empower the ego’s notion of self .
Experience and observation shows that identification with the false self doesn’t bring the security we expect, regardless of how much stuff we acquire. A consciousness that is aware of the greater truth of being a part of the “one source” accepts that it must sacrifice the ego self and let it die.
An individual whose life is empowered by the higher self (rather than the ego self) tends to live a life of sacrifice. Why? Because it is the natural state of the universe that the higher realms serve and assist the lower realms. To an observer, such a life of service appears to be a selfless life, and in many ways, it is. But to a person inspired by the richness of a higher way, it’s a natural path of power, joy, and security.

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