The Power to Rise
The desire to exist is innate within each life form and is an attribute of our true nature. The Law of Resurrection is more of a process than it is a singular event. It’s the law that empowers the transcension of all life forms from their existing mortal limitations to higher states of consciousness and existence. Resurrection follows death on all levels, not just physical death. One can experience resurrection on a mental, emotional, spiritual, and etheric level as well. Resurrection is the path upon which the soul ascends from the grave of human consciousness toward its everlasting home in the Divine Light. For millennia, wise teachers have spoken of the need to die daily…and so too the process of resurrection occurs daily. There will be, however, an end of times. One day, eons from now, forms as we know and understand them will cease to be and all things shall return to the source. God shall be All in All.

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