Every Cause Is Recorded and Has Its Effect
The Law of Records states that every event that occurs in the universe leaves its imprint upon the Akasha (Sanskrit Akasa), a register of human events throughout time which is written upon the ethers. The Akasha itself is sometimes referred to as the ether, but this is not entirely accurate, as the ether is usually thought of as existing in the material sphere, whereas the Akasha is the origin and subtle fabric of all spheres. It’s the intelligent space in which all forms find their cause.
All actions, words, or thoughts, whether expressed openly or in secret, are recorded in the Akashic Records. The Akasha connects to the subconscious mind of man. For this reason, it’s possible for some advanced souls to read the Akashic Record of a person, place, or thing. It’s also possible for the minds of human beings to cause vibrations in the Akasha that create manifestations in the physical plane. Often psychics read the record of the Akasha or the record impressed into objects (this practice is known as psychometry ).
In the microcosm of humanity, records of thoughts, words, and actions are also impressed into components of the human body…the aura, blood cells, the skeleton, and the chakras, to name a few.
The Law of Records is closely aligned with the Law of Karma, which holds that for every cause there is an effect that is transmitted through the eternal fabric of the Akasha.

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