In the Beginning There Was Love
Love is the motivating force of the universe. Most religions and spiritual doctrines teach that God is love and that God is the source of the universe and all forms within it. Love, which existed before the form and structures of the universe came into being, is beyond the laws of polarity. Love, therefore, has no opposite. Pure love overcomes all things. Interestingly, in gematria (the alphanumeric practice of reducing words to their numerical values), love and unity are identical. For in love, there is no division. Before anything was, God was All in All.
Metaphysically speaking, love has (and is) an exceedingly high rate of vibration and has transforming power within the macrocosm of the universe and within the microcosm of humankind. Every creature is attracted to and susceptible to the power of love. The elevation of one’s soul is dependent upon the unfolding and awakening of the divine love within. Genuine love has the power to transform any situation, but to give love truly, it must first exist within. No one can give what they do not have.
The ancient Greeks defined three types of love: sensual love (eros), brotherly love, (philos) and divine love (agape). Divine love has the attribute of loving without requiring anything in return. It comes from a source not in need of anything. Our compelling affinity with eros and sensual attraction on the physical level is an illustration of our attraction to the source of love that exists on the higher levels of consciousness. The law of love is fundamental to the workings of the universe: abundance gives without seeking anything in return. As one considers the flow of energy from thing to thing, the law of love becomes further evident.

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