Your Personal Power Symbol Blog

The Law of Labeling

The Power of Blessing or Curse

Everything has a true name that describes its nature. However, everything may also be given a label, which has the effect of obscuring the true nature of that object. When someone labels something, the symbolic meaning of the label is imposed on the thing and it is thereafter perceived based on that representation. Because of the Law of Labeling, misinformation can be attached to a thing that is labeled, and curses or blessings can exist in relation to that object. Thus, labeling never defines a thing nor does it explain its true nature. That said, people tend to believe that they understand something when they have a label for it and it is common for people to hold ill-defined concepts about a labeled thing.

When you label something, or impress a symbol upon it, you imbue the significance of that assigned symbol upon the object itself…with positive or negative effects. Even though the object has not changed, the perception surrounding the object has. From that point on, the object itself may begin to conform to the manner in which others perceive it to be.