Energy Accumulates at the Interface
The Law of Interface recognizes the phenomenon that energy accumulates at the boundaries between things, places, and people. For example, when human beings seek to align with higher vibrational beings, we meet these nether-worldly entities at points of interface. The higher beings lower their vibrations and we endeavor to raise ours—and we meet in the middle. These junctures are known as points of interface.
In energy medicine, points of interface are called meridians, places where Chi, or life energy, moves in channels throughout the body, connecting the energetic systems of the body with the mental, emotional, and spiritual functions of human physiology.
In a chronological sense, interfaces exist in the periods of transition between phases in time. For example, dawn, twilight, midnight, equinoxes, and solstices are examples of time interfaces, where one period of time merges into another. Over eons and in countless civilizations, rituals and activities have been performed at these interfaces due to the powerful energy that accumulates within them.
Interfaces can exist geographically also. In the Chinese belief system, for example, so-called “dragon lines” mark interfaces on the earth’s surface. In western systems, these same lines are known as “ley lines.” Geographical interfaces can be channels of positive or negative energy, attracting spiritual energy of a like nature unto itself. Often, ancient peoples placed temples at these sites in order that adherents could benefit from the powerful transcendent energy of the interface.

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