Your Personal Power Symbol Blog

The Law of Immortality

That Which Is Real Cannot Cease To Be

Energy can be neither created nor destroyed. The fabric of the universe is immortal. The myriad forms that are the outward expression of energy are in continual transformation under the direction of creative forces. While it may appear that death and endings occur, that which is real continues to be. Humanity is a mixture of both what is real and what is temporary, a mixture of truth and Maya (illusion). Humankind’s ego-self most readily identifies with the ever-changing, temporary part of our nature, the part that is illusory (and so, seen) compared to the part that is real (and so, unseen).

Many teachers have spoken of the possibility and need for awakening to our true nature. An awakening of consciousness is so profound that when we awaken, even our bodies will be transformed under the control of our will. Our misplaced identification with the transitory part of ourselves causes anxiety and displacement in one’s consciousness. While an individual is asleep to their true reality, he or she is doomed to suffering and limitation.