The Forces That Compel Life Upward
The Law of Becoming states that nothing is still. Everything in the universe is constantly becoming something else. The Law of Evolution describes the force that compels each life unit toward its source. It is the force that causes the expansion of consciousness. The Law of Evolution works upon all matter. Consciousness is ever-expanding and ever-developing. Physical objects, plants, animals, humankind —all consciousness—is unlimited in its capacity for expansion, increase, and e-volution. A force that compels a life unit away from its source and away from its evolutionary path is evil, and to de-volve (or in-volve) in this way is to lose faculties through the diminishing of consciousness.
This lack of consciousness is described, in many scriptures and parables, as “being asleep,” even “dead.” On the other hand, humanity is at a point where our current consciousness is sufficient to allow us to make rapid progress in our spiritual awakening within a single lifetime. We can and do choose our own paths through the direction and use of our energies. We are always in motion, evolving, creating, or devolving—there is no stillness. Each individual evolves constantly through the choices we make and the actions we take.

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