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The Law of Energy Conservation

Conserve and Transmute Energy

The Law of Energy Conservation states that in nature, nothing is wasted and nothing is ever destroyed. One form transforms into another form in continuous flux. In the process, energy is neither created nor destroyed. Thus, the potential energy of this universe has always remained constant. Energy is abundant, yet nature functions in a manner that conserves energy. Likewise, humanity’s evolutionary progress, collectively and individually, depends upon our ability to conserve and direct energy with thought and intention. The Law of Energy Conservation is related to the Law of Economics. Energy is abundant and cannot be depleted and yet, when it is wasted, it indicates that we hold a mindset that is inharmonious with the law.

Alchemy is the process of transmuting one form of energy into another. The alchemist of old sought to waste nothing. In alchemical teachings, each individual has the ability to conserve, increase, cultivate, and transmute the energy within, as he or she chooses. This mindset and practice brings great success in the soul’s development.