From Unity Emerged Duality
Unity is the ultimate reality. The Jewish mystical school of thought, the Kabbalah, describes how the process of creation is mirrored in the emanation of numbers from zero to nine. One, the ultimate unity, became two. Two is a masculine number, a creative and active force. The divine Hebrew name, Jehovah, refers to the power of this realm. According to the law of duality, from the point of creation onwards, everything is dual in nature. Everything has physical and non-physical forms.
The Chinese referred to this duality as yin and yang. The meaning of their yin yang symbol shows that everything is comprised of polar opposites and within each thing is the seed of the other. The duality of all things can be seen readily: male and female; hot and cold; up and down; left and right; and so on. As mentioned in the Law of Polarity, these opposites are poles of the same thing. Unity is the ultimate reality, duality is part of the illusion of forms.

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