Your Personal Power Symbol Blog

The Law of Divine Circulation

It is Through Giving that we Receive

Energy flows. It moves from form to form, continually building and releasing. Every person has energy within their control in the form of resources, abilities, and time. Resources hoarded through selfishness or fear become lifeless, stagnant. The law of divine circulation states that energy freely given will increase and promote well being to both giver and receiver. Circulating our resources causes them to be returned to us magnified.

In a similar way, water that flows is life-nurturing, while water that is stagnant cannot nurture life. Energy that flows between two forms creates the possibility of life and the potential that other forms can exist. The law of divine circulation makes us aware that we do not actually own anything but are only privileged to have it in our sphere of influence. How we exercise this stewardship of all things in our environment directly effects our well being.