The Power to Discriminate
Human consciousness possesses the power of thought. A symbol used in ancient times to represent the power of thought was the sword, an instrument that could easily divide whatever it was set upon. To “think” is to create thought forms in the mind. These thought forms are, in essence, labels and classifications. A “thing” constructed within the mind is defined by being “not-another-thing.” Therefore, to think is to divide, to sever, to cut.
The power of discrimination in Sanskrit was referred to as Viveka. The concept of Viveka was used most often in the context of discriminating what was real from what was illusory. That which is real in the universe is eternal and cannot be divided. However, the temporary forms that exist from moment to moment exist in a polar universe of opposites: Up / down; near / far; male / female; hot / cold; black / white; and so on. The universe we experience is a result of the activity of the mind. The law of discernment works within the mind also. It’s the sword lying within us that can lead to an awakening of our true nature, through discerning what we are—and what we are not.

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