The Power to Awaken through Detachment
The law of detachment states that the soul’s evolutionary progress towards awakening is greatly increased through detachment. A good question might be “Detachment from what?” Many ancient spiritual orders taught that a human being is made up of a higher self that is both eternal and temporary. The body, emotions, and lower mind are the impermanent vehicles for the consciousness while it remains in awareness on the physical plane. A person awakens to their eternal nature when their consciousness rises to the point that their higher self is the most real and obvious part of their being. This rise, or connection with the true self, however, is blocked by the vibrations of the lower self in the form of thoughts, desires, and emotional swings. In order to connect with the higher self, an individual must control their emotional body and desire body.
Many people think that detachment means self-denial or asceticism (severe abstinence ). While many forms of life are to be enjoyed and pursued, and while the “outer game” need not be shunned, one will not achieve success when the “inner game” is not the center of a person’s focus. Ironically, unless desire and the emotional body are controlled and dealt with through a spirit of detachment, then desire will become master, and dissatisfaction will result. The Desire Body has nothing of lasting satisfaction to offer.

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