Everything is in the process of Becoming Something Else
Everything that exists is in the process of transforming into something new. Nothing remains as it is. In this universe, there is no such thing as inertia or complete stillness. Everything—from subatomic particles, to thoughts, to leaves on a tree, to distant galaxies—is in constant motion and is constantly vibrating. Whether building up or breaking down, the powers of creation are continually at work. Birth and death play an equal role in the eternal activity of life. Neither birth nor death is the true beginning or the true end. According to the Law of Becoming, birth and death are simply a means of transmuting things into something new.
Wise seekers will see that they have the ability to direct what it is they are to become. The creative powers of humankind allow us to choose our own path. Some of us choose to be god-like, some demon-like, some animalistic. Others remain unaware that the power to direct the process of their becoming lies within their grasp.

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