One Thing Can Share the Energy of Another
The Law of Assumption states that one life form can experience the same thing as another. This possibility goes beyond any domain . The corresponding experiences can be emotional, physical, or mental and can take place when, for example, one entity identifies emotionally and cognitively with another.
By the same law, one individual (or life unit) can change the course of things for another simply by what he or she thinks or feels. However, this law is not only about feeling or thinking the same way as another life unit feels or thinks. One may also acquire or inherit another entity’s power, characteristics, or anything, really, whether that other entity is a stone, a plant, an animal, a spirit, a human being, a god, or an angel. Even the Cosmic Mind is on that list. The potential of tapping into and assimilating another entity’s energy lies in one’s ability to feel the same emotions, to think the same thoughts, and to integrate the same energetic signature.
The Law of Assumption states that whenever two things evoke a feeling of shared emotion or belief, they may exchange their energy. So, caution is the watchword. Remember—one may derive from another life unit all its attributes and shortcomings, vices, and virtues.

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